A fluctuating iman is an issue for all of us. We have to constantly work on improving & maintaining our iman, or it will decrease..........
Never miss salah. Make thorough wudu. Take your time in salah. Make dua during sujood. Talk to God in these moments. Dedicate yourself to salah
Make dua often & regularly. Dua is your means of talking to God. Ask for many things, Allah loves when we call upon him.
Read the Quran every day. The Quran is Allah talking to you. In those moments of despair, open the Quran and let God speak to you. Reflect on the verses you read and how you can apply them in your daily life.
Make dhikr. Spend time remembering Allah, Allah will remember you. Ponder upon the sky & the oceans and think of Allah during your moments of awe. Keep your mouth busy with dhikr.
Perform voluntary acts of worship. Sunnah prayers as well as other sunnahs (like fasting on Mondays and Thursdays) that Rasulullah (pbuh) did served as a means of going above and beyond to show commitment to Allah. You to can do this, and feel the blessings.
Get rid of negativity in your life. Negative thoughts, people, places, habits, they all need to go. We cannot expect ourselves to grow and commit to God if other things bring us down.
Get to Know Allah through the 99 names. Reflect on their meanings and when you have or when you will experience those traits from God in your life. (Example: The Mercy of never being abandoned by God)
Keep good friends. Those who are close to God will bring you close to God, inshaallah.
Check your character & ego. Be humble, kind, appreciative. Have good manners. Work hard to keep your pride in check. Stay away from jealously. You will see a difference in how you’re able to connect to Allah. (See Surat al-Maida: 27).
Rely on Allah in your darkest & brightest times. Be appreciate when you’re happy. When you’re down, don’t reach out to anyone but Allah. Seek guidance and protection from your Lord alone.
InshaAllah...terima kasih sharing :)
BalasPadamSaya selalu baca doa dipermudahkan urusan. Alhamdulillah everything went smooth=)
BalasPadamNice sharing. May Allah blss all of us. :)
BalasPadamthanks for the sharing :)
BalasPadamthanks for tips qila :)
BalasPadama really nice post :D
Thank you so much for sharing this! ❤
BalasPadamselamat tahun baru
BalasPadamGreat sharing dear :)
BalasPadamthanks for sharing qila <3
BalasPadamyepp keep ourself on track..
BalasPadamand how can i get closer to you qilah? hahah i miss you dear
BalasPadamAlhamdulillah, thanks for sharing qilah!