Rabu, 12 Disember 2012


Uh oh hi& assalamualaikum semua! So today nak cerita pasal one of my favourite hobby on my leisure time. Cewah chaitt pehal speaking hihihi. Ok dulu jadi hobby bila form 4 which is so-called-honeymoon-year. Ugh Who the hell yang cakap tahun tingkatan empat ni tahun berbulan madu? Ugh sumpah tak. Result sangat sedey pedeyy. Hihihi ok kay cut the crap!

Ok, first time saya dengar origami macam err sorry im so not interested with this 'buang masa' handmade thingy but!!!! Once you're good at it, ya allah perasaan tu huhuhuhu best gila rasa nak buat origami tu banyak-banyak sangat-sangat ah! Hahahahahahah soooooooooo...........

Once upon a time..... There's one cute boy yang suka saya. Cehwah takda maknanya. Dia kawan kepada adik saya. Nama dia..... Tet! Error :p ihihihihi well kononnya lah minat dekat saya hihihii. So, dia bagi saya origami lololove! 

And saya try godek godek coding untuk buat origami tu ahahaha. Hm so ini kerja saya sampai result teruk gila huhuhuhu so this is it :D

hm i only can make origami love, ihihihi
well sekarang otw nak try burung lah, butterfly lah, bintang lah, flowers lah haih.
So tired ok. Huhuhuhu.
So just google anything je sekarang, resepi pon dekat hujung jari aje~~

Hee~ Bye!

Sabtu, 8 Disember 2012

A cuti to remember

Hi. Im such a pemalas ah TT_TT

Buku pegang but gah tak baca pon errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i'm such a douche!!!!
Okay next year imma spm candidates ugh hm harap boleh vaccuum semua buku buku tu sampai lekat and takkan lupa ah! But hm susah..........................................

Hm, haritu tengok Hafalan Solat Delisa. And i still remember what the ustaz said.......

"Kalau kita susah nak buat something, it means.........kita tak ikhlas. Kita buat sebab duit and hadiah. Kalau ikhlas kerana Allah Ta'ala and tidak mengharapkan apa-apa balasan, insha Allah senang!!!!!!"

Hm so um ill make sure im studying this (not just for SPM) but for me. For my umi& abah and my future! C: Hihi sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo jangan belanja apa-apa dah next year. Only buy if i really really really neeeeeeeeds it. Kalau tak, belah ah takpayah! Beli buku aje boleh sebab lepas SPM i wanna buy my qt pie PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 OH YEH 

Eh astaghfirullahal'azim. Dearself......... Ikhlas kan diri. Banyak muhasabah diri! Hihi ^.^ Lillahi'Taala!

Khamis, 27 September 2012

Test test test


lepas delete all my stupid posts ugh -__-
so hello there!

oi. Stalk blog qila eh? :P
Saya tahu awak mesti stalk saya sampai ke first post saya ni kan kan kan.