Khamis, 15 Disember 2016

Study week. . .

when you just realize how much you have to study for finals:
finalstestsschoolcollegecryingeatingcrying and eatingstressedstressed final exam week ugh gah ugh!

Har har har hi semua! So
It’s final week and you know what that means! 
Studying till you cry and then crying because you’re not studying and then crying because you have to take a final…. oh, my bad. Its crying week.

And here is one study tip
Doakan qila tak nangis dah and pls wish me luck as ill be need that for later iihihi bye!

But wait.

"Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, 
so that we can see life with a clearer view again."


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