Jumaat, 20 Mac 2015

Mistakes, Lessons and Repentance

Omg right...people are so quick to judge, they forget about the great in people. Love, love these words. This doesn't make you a push over...despite popular demand...
"Right...people are so quick to judge, they forget about the great in people. 
Love, love these words. "

"It's funny how you can do nice things for people all the time and they never notice. But once you make one mistake, it's never forgotten."

People make mistakes. Even the people we love.

Of course, there are some mistakes we make over and over again. It takes effort to adhere daily to the key rituals of Islam both correctly and on time; to be consistently kind and sincere; to remain humble in all circumstances; to treat all people equally, regardless of their status, race, or nationality; to be generous with what we have; and to genuinely want for others what we want for ourselves.
Yet, it is never too late to aspire to change. The Prophet Muhammad said:
“Every son of Adam makes mistakes, and the best of those who make mistakes are those who repent.” (At Tirmidhi, 2499)
“When you make a mistake, admit it, correct it, and learn from it – immediately.”

Credit : Pinterest, The Power of Forgiveness.

Oh bytheway minggu lepas qila second time gi usrah hihi best gilaaaa alhamdulillah! Kak Asyikin tu sumpah lah baik je alahai lembut nyaaaaa bila ah kita nak jadi cemtu huuu.
Dia cerita pasal Umar Al-Khattab :( Walau jahil mana kita dulu pun, allah punya rahmat tu lagi besar paham tak. Repent now or never. Gituh.

Ok, last but not least. 
Doa Sayidina Umar yang paling terkenal: 
“Ya Allah, sibukkanlah aku dalam urusan agama-Mu.”

Alhamdulillah. Im soooo thankful for all those DIFFICULT PEOPLE in my life, 
thanks to u bcs you hv shown me exactly who i do not want to be :)
Stop judging people based on their past, just please.
what goes around comes around, maybe you're having perfect life in dunia but in the hereafter?

So lets strive to jannah! :D 

p/s: blog ni under construction bcs of certain reasons. sorry. ehem.

And better tulis/sebar benda sahih. Daripada jadi munafik kan? :) 
Husnuzon lah sentiasa, jangan lah suka sangat buat unwarranted assumptions ni. 
Jangan ego. Jangan ingat diri sendiri tu aje yg betul, Terima pendapat orang lain jugak tau. Sebab opinions are opinions. 
Dan satu lagi, nobody's perfect.
Astaghfirullahalazim :)

May allah bless u whoever read this!

P/s: cant wait to share moooore about my prev Fardhu Ain class & Usrah & Thinking Skills class with sir shams hehehehe. Best! Minggu ni penat gila exam midterm tambah pula ada yg mengutuk, yg memaki, takpe. Tepis jelah. May allah grant you the hidayah. 

P/s p/s: Post ni takde kena mengena dgn yg hidup atau yg dah meninggal. Tetiba.

22 ulasan:

  1. May Allah always bless :)

  2. alhamdulillah. a great post anyway.
    lets strive for jannah together. :)
    happy usrah-ing. :3
    muhasabah diri.

  3. Betul tu ! Jangan ingat diri sendiri je betul , kadang kadang kita sendiri pun tak sedar yang kita silap. :)

  4. pegang kata kata awak, 'nobody perfect' sayang :)

  5. thanks for sharing dear..everyone make a mistake.

  6. Qila pegi usrah? Alhamdulillah.. semoga Allah sentiasa melindungi awak dik non.. Assalamualaikum. :")

  7. Betul tu! Don't judge someone by their past :)

  8. Dosa dan kesilapan/kecuaian tuh mmg sebati dalam diri manusia......they are our close friends......but dont forget these close friends actually is our enemy...........^^
    Doakan saya juga dapat berubah ke arah kebaikan ye...salam ukhwah fillah abadan abada..

  9. qilahhh seronoknyaaa dapat pegi usrah. i mishh usrah. i mishh bulatan gembiraaaa.

  10. Allah loves those who repent! :)

  11. betul tu :-)

  12. Kita selalu teringin nak p usrah hehe tapi kita malaih keluaq rumah T.T

    And yeah, jangan suka sangat judge orang tak kira masa sampai semua nampak salah. Camna la nak hidup tenang dengan attitude macam tu cewah tetiba emo.

  13. Jemput join segmen ini ye . :) http://aztazhr.blogspot.com/2015/03/segmen-klik-iklan-nuffnang-by-aaizaatt.html

    "It's funny how you can do nice things for people all the time and they never notice. But once you make one mistake, it's never forgotten."

    keep calm and cari redha Allah...^^

  15. tak selamanya kita sentiasa benar...sebab Allah tu sebenar-benar kejadian :)

  16. sapa kutuk n maki qila? meh akk nak babap.. hehe..
    teringat zaman sekolah menengah dulu, setiap jumaat mesti ada kelas fardu ain kat surau hostel..

  17. biasa la tuh.. sekali buat silap, semua org igt.. lupa habis dah kebaikan yg kita pnah buat..

  18. Guess I read your entry at the right time. Fact is, everyone make mistake. Yeah.. everyone did it.. Hurmm..

  19. Always in y mind nobody perfect...


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