Rabu, 30 Disember 2015

Template baru by Aisyhah Nyais

Hi morning! Supposedly wordless but nah. Imma talk alot today hihi.
Please la. Dah lah edit murah nak mati pastu cantik nak mati ugh im so stressed.
Dia layan je gedik qila tapi beragak la kan. Jgn la ngade sangat.
Qila tak ngade kan ecah? Hahahahah.
And got watermark also wiwiwi thank you ecah!
Next 4 months qila nak template baru from u muahahaha.

Oh btw boleh tengok portfolio ecah here -> SINI
Serious puas hati hehe. Qila dah coppp dah ecah edit nanti bulan 4 tau tau. Muahaha.
New year new template la kan hiks.

Selasa, 29 Disember 2015

Did i just ate 2 mangkuk of

Happiness? Yeap.
*Ha nampak tak muka nak marah sebab it is supposed to be my mangkuk but ugh nevermind!* lol
HAHAHAH harini qila gemuk gila!!!!!? Ye, qila memang gemuk cuma harini qila gemuk gila? Paham tak? Hahahaha. Qila makan semangkuk soto and semangkuk mee curry. And cuit sikit roti canai ahahahah!!!!! Sememangnya gemuk gila harini im so happi!!! I eat alot hehe. Sebab minggu lepas ada peristiwa sedih (too personal) happened to me so qila mcm acah starving myself haahah belah ah. Acah  tak makan kurus konon nope! Hahaha so harini qila bantai 2 mangkuk kesedapan awwww.
Best! Qila tak tahu ni kedai apa but sumpah nyums. Makan dgn whole family kecuali abah hehe. Abah busy. Tah hilang pi mana it ok. Later dgn abah okay?
Qila umi azim alim pip and kakak eheh.

Pastu bila balik qila kenyang sangat sampai la rasa mcm menyesal makan banyak. Gemuk banget kan

Ha rasa mcm nak nangis but happy at the same time. Ha gitu. Hahahaha.

But serious aaaaa i love this kedai so cantik the lighting ahahaha.
Pastu mcm the sun shine so bright and pepokok ada. Alahai best betul rindu nk kelik kelate #tetiba

Menyesal tak bangun pagi awal kalau tak selalu dah makan sini dgn umi abah ekekekekeke.
Takpe, bagi can umi abah dating tanpa anak nya yg gemuk ini hahah!!! :')

Ok tu je nak cerita. Im so happy. Alhamdulillah. Happy days huh to end 2015 :))))

Sabtu, 26 Disember 2015

Bebel. Dont bother to read. Sorry.

Hi? Hey. Hm. Honestly, qila tengah sedih sikit. Ehe. Bukan apa. Dia mcm terkesukkk sikit ehe. Sebab nya, kakak qila nak kahwin dah.... Next year. Hehe bukan minggu depan ye? Hihi. Tak sangka 2016 is a week ahead us hehe. Hm. Anyway, yes. She's getting married............ And i dont know what to say. I mean. Dia kata nak kahwin in March (insyaallah) but nape awal sangat kak oi :(

What will happen to me...... Still tak puas kot manja dgn kakak hahaahahah i know it sounds so gedik but it's true...... Nanti kakak dah kahwin mesti la kakngah pulak next? Eh that's not the point hahaha!

It's just that........ Tak sangka. She's going to be 25 hehe.
And im gong to be freaking 20 in a week. (on 10th August to be precise :p) hehe. Twenteen ok. Still teeeenager ok muahaha. See? Im in denial. Hahah.

Hm. Yay nanti finally saya ada abang--ipar huhu hm but. Idk hahaaha.
Im sorry. It's hard.
Pastu minggu ni macam minggu jodoh untuk qila. Hahahaha sebab umi dia mcm sedih. Anak anak besau dah. And she felt so content and thankful that dia panjang umur lagi utk tengok anak dia membesar. (qila terbesar) hahahahaha. And then termasuk bab degree qila hehe. Qila cakap la,

UMI???? DEGREE UIA LAMA AH UMI. MCM 4-5 TAHUN. Hmmmm lama kan hmmm takut aaa umi :( mesti susah nanti aaaaa takut umi umi umi hahahah

Pastu boleh pulak umi tetiba cakap.....

Ya allah. UMI?!?!?!?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH U? :(((( NONONONOOOOO qila tak mo kahwin lagi la umi nanti kena tinggal umi abah nonono im so clingy and stupid like that noooo hahahahahah. Sumpah la cannot imagine ughhhh. Dah la kata kata umi tu doa???? OMG NO!! Qila nak kahwin lepas study la umi nononoooooo jgn bagi restu lagi wait it right there cut it!!!! hahahaha. Nanti takleh focus oh tidak saya dah jadi gila ugh ugh ugh pastu qila macam tetiba ada quote muncul di otak haha

And hey. Happy new year and happy holiday? :) Im so happy to get stuck in jam sebab ramai balik kampung ye cuti ni? Hihi. Hey UIA? Mu tunggu aku datang wiwiwi~

Jodoh. Ko pergi jauh jauh pls jgn nak main main kan perasaan haku. Pls la annoying ok. Cant wait to gain ilmu yayayayayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and qila betul betul suka apa yg Mat Luthfi cakap about this one hehe.

How can you like someone u barely know?
You dont even know, not half, not even a quarter of me.
My bad habit, my dark side. You haven't seen me in despair, my anger, my resentment.
You haven't seen me at my lowest point, how weak I could be when the time hits it.
How do I know if you can handle my shit? How do I know if I can handle yours?
PEOPLE ARE NOT 24/7 HAPPY. Don't confuse love with admiration ;)

Hm. How to know someone if i dont even know any guy hahahaha ok bye
Nanti kalau qila nak gi dating kena lama lama lah. Kena buat orang tu marah, upset, sedih bagai.
And jgn lupa ajak org ketiga utk dating. Ha gituw.


Ok last quote hahaha.

Take life day by day, 
and be grateful for the little things. 
Don’t get stressed over what you can’t control.
—  Unknown Author.

Jumaat, 25 Disember 2015

niat itu...

Niat itu seperti surat.
Salah tulis alamat akan sampai salah tempat.
 Ha gituw.

Khamis, 24 Disember 2015

Questions from Mai :')

  •  Sila memperkenal diri anda.
Hi saya aqilah azmi (gemuk huduh) haha. Im turning 20 dah ugh!!!!! Ugghhh but cant wait to
masuk degree next Jan di Uia wiwiwi! What else? Ha! I love food so damn much?! So thats basically why im fat?
  • Adakah anda berminat untuk mempelajari bahasa asing ? Senaraikan. 
Yes. Hehe Arabic please. Sebab rasa berdosa tak belajar. Hahahaha.
  • Negara manakah yang anda ingin merantau ?
Hmmm. Mana mana lah asal dapat merantau :( Ha nampak tak how pathetic my life is? :)
  • Apakah pengalaman yang paling menakutkan dalam hidup anda ?
Hm... Im scared of heights? So bila naik cable car tu i actually smiled with tears streaming down my face hahahahaha i mean like bangang nya???? 
Embedded image permalink
Hahahaha creepy. 
And hm paling takut bila jumpa crush :'))))) hahahahaahahahah ok tak tak. Itu gelenya gedik mengada mintak penampor.
  • Adakah anda suka membaca novel ?
  • Novel apa yang paling best untuk dibaca?
Hehehe. Of course, genre chick lit romance? Hehe. Sebab sweet. And idk. It's so surreal. Eceh.
And yang boleh cerita about the real life. Ha gitu.
  • laman web mana yang boleh tengok movie online ? hehe
Hohohohoho mmg bagus soalan ni sebab saya penggila movie. Ew. Haha imma movie lover serious!
1. solarmovie.ws __2. glowgaze.biz__3. watchseries.li/serie/the_vampire_diaries eh hahaha.
  • Apakah hobi anda ?
Eh hello of course la makan? Tidor? Baca buku? Ececeh. Haha hobi ye. Termenung kut.
  • Cuba teka lagu "Welcome to duloc such a perfect town, here we have some rules,let us lay them down.." dalam movie apa ? Hahaha
Alamak.....WHat did i missed oh NO!?!??! IDONTKNOW SERIOUSLY????
  • Apa makanan kegemaran anda dan kenapa?
Naci :'))) hehehe. Nasi, semua jenis nasi. Sushi, pizzas, AYAM GORENG!?! Ugh the list is infinite can i just skip? Im so sorry i cant. My perut cant... Hahahaha.

Thank you so much dear Mai for this questions :)))
i loved it. Hehe.

Sabtu, 19 Disember 2015

Why am I so lazy?

  • me:!!!!!!!!!
  • me:[hasn't opened a book in weeks]

hahahaha alhamdulillah qila FINALLY dah habis 3 buku uhuhu. Kalau tak malas tahap apa pun tak tahu lah haih. Dah tengah december dah ni :( Next month nak masuk degree dah adoi takut T_T 

Moga allah permudahkan segalanya.... :)

Sorry for the short post hehe. Sebab ada kawan qila dia baru mengaku stalk qila hahahha.
So hi Nasrin? Cant wait to masuk degreee + cari jodoh sama sama wiwiwiiiiiiiii~
Eh. Hiks.

Jumaat, 18 Disember 2015

a short reminder for all...

Bersabda Rasulallah saw: 

‘Kedua kaki anak Adam itu akan tetap berdiri di hadapan Tuhannya pada Hari Kiamat, sehingga selesai ditanya tentang empat perkara:

  1. Tentang umurnya, untuk apa dihabiskan
  2. Tentang masa mudanya, untuk apa dipergunakan
  3. Tentang hartanya, dari mana diperolehi dan untuk apa dibelanjakan
  4. Tentang ilmunya, apa yang sudah dibuat dengannya.

Jumaat, 11 Disember 2015

Jauhi diri kita dari...

Doakan agar kita dijauhkan......

photo credit: headwithserban 

Jumaat, 4 Disember 2015

Sometimes ;)

Sometimes, Allah break out heart to make us whole ;)

Make plans but do understand that we live by ALLAH's grace ;)

Rabu, 2 Disember 2015

The best author's note so far


Not to spoil the ending for you,
but everything is going to be okay.

Comel kannnn hihik

Selasa, 1 Disember 2015

Save $

Me during October:     I should start to save for the holidays. 
Me during November: Ok really now. Start saving your money. 
Me during December: Uh oh…askjdahskljdhsj243@$$%#%...

Soon ❄ hehe.

it’s December today. it’s crazy how awesome November was, but it flew over.

Soooo. These are some of my goals ehehehehe thank you http://islamicrays.tumblr.com/ for the tips

Make Dua and work on being a better Muslim and this is a life time struggle. 
Keep striving and never give up.  Always remember that this life is our test and 
we have to fight with our desires and whispers of shaitan and
this battle will continue till our last breath. 
After every fall turn to Him and ask for His forgiveness sincerely.
He is the most forgiving and merciful.
1, Fix your prayers.This is the best act to pray salaah at the fixed time.
2. Be dutiful to your parents. Be good with them for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. Love them and spend quality time with them.
3. The most beloved of deeds to Allah are those that are most consistent, even if it is small.
4. Be good with people for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala.
5. Be patient when something goes wrong and don’t get angry. Patience is difficult to do but it has countless reward.
6. Make habit of doing dhikr all the time. It will help in shaa Allah.
7. Send blessing upon Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
8. Gain knowledge and try to implement in your life.
9. Implement Sunnah in your daily life.
10. Make lots of dua. Ask Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala to help us to do deeds that will please Him and grant us jannah and save us from punishment of Hell.
11. Spread Salaam when you meet a Muslim say Assalamu Alaikum.
12. Never think you are better than others. Always be humble
13. Don’t get jealous and pray for others
14. Be happy with Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala decree and always be thankful. It will increase your blessings in shaa Allah. I hope it will be helpful. May Allah guide us to the straight path.

Isnin, 30 November 2015

The Hunger Games :(

Thank you Suzanne Collins for writing this story and
thanks to the cast and crew for allowing for this this amazing story to come to life.

May the odds be ever in your favor!

  • Peeta:You love me. Real or not real?
  • Katniss:Real.
  • Me:*crying hysterically*
Sumpah la takleh move on huhu. Tak sangka 4 tahun kan!?!??! this time next year theres not gonna be a hunger games movie to watch 😕 Ish. I’ve seen mockingjay. I don’t know what to do with myself now. help me cope with the fact it was the last movie it was reaaalllyyy good okay! Smart la cerita ni. Serious ish! Ending pun could never been better sbb well all good things must come to an end ugh :( Sooo what is life now? Eceh haha. Hm. It's hard ;)

Ahad, 29 November 2015

Forever favourite breakfast

“Eat Breakfast Like a King, 
Lunch Like a Prince, 
and Dinner Like a Pauper/Beggar”.

Gitew. So what i always had for breakfast ihihihi acah king jap huhu.

#1 Nasi goreng
Well we all have our own mom's naci goreng huhuhuhu
Hihih. Seriously. Nyums.

#2 Naci lemak omggg
Tak kisah la nasi lemak mana mana murahan ke mahalan ke 
for me semua naci lemak ada rasa sedap nya sendiri ahahahah.
Bayang kan ada ayam berempah / rendang / telur mata/telur dadar/ omg!!!!!

#3 Roti canaiiiiii
Uwww kalau dapat roti canai yang rangup lembut at the same time wuuuuuuu cant resist!
Roti boom! Roti telur roti sardines!!!!!!!!!!!! & roti banjir!!!!! Wooo
plus teh tarik homagadddddddd and and cicah kari / dalca gulp!!!

#4 Donutsss/ doughnuts???? + Karipap uwww
uwwww yang ni pun sedapp ok kalau umi malas masak and then beli ni je dkt tepi jalan tu huhuhuhu
kuih muih melayu sememangnya sedap uggggh

#5 Pancakesssssss
Yes. Qila selalu beli jenama Adabi punya instant flour and tambah air and telur and nyums!
With mapple syrup/ kaya/ nutella and butter uish. Sedap ok having this as breakfast wuhuw!
Yep. This happens to me all the time. Im so glad that i love breakfast/brekki so much hhahaha. 

So, whats your favourite breakfast? ;) #thebreakfastclub gituw


Perfectionism is self-abuse of the highest order.
— Ann Wilson Schaff (via onlinecounsellingcollege)

Ok first of all. How i define perfect?
Well perfect means YOU. Everyones perfect in their own way <3
But according to the dictionary ; Someone with few flaws; possessing many desirable qualities.
perfect ; a non-existant thing that people try to live up to or find in someone or something. perfect doesnt exist. No one can be perfect because everyone has faults of some sort. the only thing that will ever be perfect died on a cross two thousand years ago.

Eg : 
Guy: I'm looking for the perfect girl-- ya know, big b*tt/b**b, fair skin, smart and funny, doesn't argue with me, skinny but not a stick, a little shorter than me-- ya know,totally HOT. 
Friend: And how do you think you're gonna find that?

Tanpa kita sedari. Nak sangat perfect tapi kita lupa that nobody's perfect, though many try to be huhu.
Tapi practice makes perfect?????
Haa guane tu hiuhiu. well senang cerita perfectionism is un-attain-able?
i mean perfect compared to what?

And 2 days before qila tengok cerita The Duff, best sangat hihi.
Only you can define yourself ;)
Dont let other ppl define u okay? hihi.

p/s: sedih dengan orang yang too struggle nak jadi perfect sampai sakit kan diri sendiri. 
i mean, is it worth to die for? :( 

Jumaat, 27 November 2015

3 cara untuk dapat pahala berterusan ;)

Salam jumaat! :>

Nak dapat pahala yang berterusan???

1- Beri sedekah :)
2- Kongsi ilmu (yang super bermanfaat)
3- Doa anak yang soleh

Rabu, 25 November 2015

Chocolate or ice cream?

Hi semua! Do you prefer......

Choco au lait?

Ice cream?

Ohhhhh ohh sedap nya both hahahhaa.
But i love ice cream more than chocs. Hihi

It's just that when i wake up and realize it's wednesday....
Hihihihihi because Wednesday is Baskin Robbin Special Pink Day wuhuw!
Malam ni plan nak gi tengok Mockingjay yasss finally huhuhu.
Nak beli ice cream sekali la ihihihihihihiks

Dear you,
toodles x

Ahad, 22 November 2015

DIY hadiah untuk beloved ones (more to boyfriend hihik)

Haha did i just googled Super Cute & Simple DIY Gifts for boyfriend girlfriend huhuhu ♡ lol nah.
Because my first boyfriend's birthday is upcoming on this weekend! My abah (first bf) lol. So yes. I got some cute ideas after browsing the internet for 2 hours huhuhuhuhu nak share gak!!!!!
ok lets go (pictures credit goes to pinterest & tumblr ;))

1. Explosion Photo Box / Exploding Box
 Cute kaaan omggggg bayangkan kita bukak kotak meletop penuh dgr gambar wuuu!

2. Photo clothes-pin cork board amboi huhu. 
Guna penyepit je okkkkkkk

3. Reasons why i love you cards/scrapbook/jar

4. Mixtapes!!!!
haha dear aqilah, i DARE YOU to hand this to your crush :p ihihiks.

4. SUPER HUGE CARDS huhuw or
Birthday Card for my dad with candy!!!!! 
Cards Ideas, Birthday Theme.
Sangat cute ok. Boleh makan choc tu sama sama uhuhuu.

So yay! 4 amazing ideas yang agak senang hehehee. Happy birthday Abah! Thank you, for everything. I just wantchu to know that walaupun kitorang girls anak abah tak selalu call abah but hey tak semestinya tak rindu ok!!!!!!