Hi! Yes. I bought both of them lol. Sebab I simply want to track my heartbeat 🤪 hahaha ok takde lah. I’m in my journey nak lose weight, and everytime i workouts i just wanna know how much calories I burned ha gituw.
So i pun mencari la fit sport band yang murah but power.
I just don’t get it why people beli yang murahan from china jenama pelik2 😠please don’t. Especially under rm50. Please buy yang original especially kalau nak track running/walking dengan lebih tepat, buy sport band yang have gps tracking okay?
Okay sorry terbebel ke laut.
Both of these bands are very cheap. Dah sampai Malaysia in 2019. I dah byk kali tengok comparison. You can google them up or watch them on youtube etc.
But basically. Both of them are really good and affordable at the same time! Memang sama taraf. Just pilih je mana yang suit you the best!
I beli dkt shopee official store. And tolak voucher code rm10. So it turns out to be dirty cheap wiwiwii~
Ps: i pakai Honor Band 5. My sister&brother wear Mi Band 4.
Honor Band 5 RM129 | Mi Band 4 RM99 |
Pros: sleep tracking lagi tepat. Ada oxygen monitor. | Pros: boleh custom display. Banyak band strap color cantik2. Battery tahan sumpah lama. Memang up to 14 days!!!!!! |
Both boleh detect heartbeats, sleep tracking, walking distance, boleh set banyak workouts (indoor outdoor running walking cycling swimming) | Both boleh detect heartbeats, sleep tracking, walking distance, boleh set banyak workouts such as outdoor indoor running/walking, swimming,cycling. |
Cons: tak banyak display designs :( takleh custom display design as cute as Mi Band. Battery wise tak lama sangat. Mine around 9 days paling lama. But okay la kira nya seminggu sekali must charge aka setiap sunday is charging day ha gitu. | Cons: sleep tracking kurang tepat. Takde track oxygen dalam darah. |
Design both lain ye. Honor Band petak vs Mi Band oval bulat memanjang gitu.
Charging Honor Band lagi senang daripada Mi Band.
Charge dua dua ni sejam lebih je dah full. Best sangat lah both ni.
Tapi Mi Band punya battery lagi tahan lama.
Ha? In the end, you pilih design yang you suka! 🥰 sekian my review hehehehe.
Akhir tahun ni i nak upgrade maybe to amazfit bip by xiaomi ♥️ tapi to think back. I’m in dilemma.
Either nak go for fitbit/garmin/apple watch/fossil.
Kenapa i suka sport fitness band? Because i love to do homw workouts! & I have to track my heartbeat hehehehe. Sometimes i terjadi perempuan gila workout sampai heartbeat tinggi sangat masuk extreme mode. So my honor band akan remind me to slow down.
Alright that’s all annyeong ~