Q : How do you rebuild your imaan. I'm a revert and the past two years I've slipped away from the deen. I still pray and stuff but the connection isn't there. I feel terrible about it. Do you have any tips for me?
A : Feeling terrible about this situation shows Allah will forever & always wants you to improve, so first and foremost recognize the love and mercy Allah has for you ;)
The Basics of Imaan Building:
- Understand and appreciate your relationship with Allah. Who is Allah? How does Allah treat you? The only way to answer these question is…
- Study Islam & Read Quran. I cannot stress these enough. Know your deen!
- Ponder on the miracles of earth and nature and science and reflect on Allah’s creation
- Perfect solat (make excellent wudu', take your time reading, know what you’re saying, make extra dua in sujud, work on your kusyuk)
- Make a lot of dua & dhikr
- Actively participate in Islamic events, attend the masjid often and be around people who is God conscious.
- Pinpoint aspects of your life that may lead you to have a lacking iman and cut the out or adjust them
- Repent for sins as soon as they occur and for past sins
- Find 1-2 sunnahs and make them a habit. Allah loves those who participate in small deeds that are consistent :)
- You can read anything I’ve written about iman HERE.
May Allah protect your imaan and increase it, accept your good deeds and protect you from harm.
FULL CREDIT TO : http://formyummah.tumblr.com/post/147020908468/how-do-you-rebuild-your-imaan-im-a-revert-and
Best! Loving her tumblr so much :') Serious i felt relieved a bit huhu. Alhamdulillah for everything.
Hehehe sorry i cannot update much. Take care everyone! x