"Parents are a huge blessing. Whenever you look at them, say Alhamdulillah. Spend quality time with them. Love and hug them. Cherish each moment that you spend with them. This life is very short so serve them as much you can in shaa Allah...”
Nak mintak satu je, i reaaally wish we would reunited as a family in jannah later TT_TT
The love of my life. Hihi. I neeaaaaaaaarly got homesick sebab 3 weeks takbalik. Kihkih. But then they kidnapped me and we had a short and sweet and simple dinner together yay!
Finals are approaching. Tlg doakan pls! Maceh :') Sorry for the lack of updates. And certainly will blogwalking later. No worries! Hehe. And salam Rejab........pastu Syaaban pastuuuuu?!?!!?!!? RAMADHAN yayayay!!!! Pastu raya uhuhu T_T <- idk why i feel like crying. Maybe because im going to take short sem this year and probably i wont be spending my ramadhan + raya @ home? :-((((((